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Most or all people think that lobbyists are bad due to bribing. But is it really? When you hear bribery, what comes to mind? Money? Dishonesty? Power?

Well, I would have to disagree. It’s how you see things that tend to change your perspective on situations. You don’t have to lie to bribe, you do not have to have the power to bribe but money is the key of it all. Money can do a lot of things and there are plenty of ways of getting these funds if you do not have it either. Lobbying and bribing are two different things and I’ll tell you how and why.

Bribing is considered illegal but Lobbying isn’t. Bribery is the sale of power while lobbying is used to influence political power by offering money to affect political outcomes. Since lobbying is legal you are required to register certain information to do so. However, no such requirements are needed for bribes. Lobbying is a very important influence in public policy to help get those that we need to make a change; to hear others that may not have power or money. It’s used to suit powerful organizational groups’ interests at all costs. Bribery is used for individual gain.

Therefore, Lobbyist is not the bad people here, it’s just others once again jumping on the bandwagon. Once everyone learns to think for themselves, everything could be seen in such a different light. What are your thoughts and opinions?




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